When you’re thinking about your shop, it’s easy to focus on the things that make it run. But what about the things that produce additional revenue or save costs?
Key immobilizers and reprogramming tools from Triad Diagnostic Solutions can replace or copy a key for 95%+ of automobiles in North America, you can do so for any vehicle in your customer, regardless of make or model. This tool empowers your shop to add this vital service for your customers should a key become lost, you can quickly and efficiently replace them for a high profit without subletting to the dealer.
What are key immobilizers?
A key immobilizer is a theft deterrent that prevents your car from being stolen. It locks all the doors and windows, preventing anyone from getting in or out of your vehicle without using a special key (stored separately). The most common types of key immobilizers are remote start systems and keyless entry systems—they both use radio frequency signals to keep thieves from getting into your car!
Why do you need a key immobilizer?
A key immobilizer allows you to lock your car so no one can get in or out without the proper keys. The immobilizer on a vehicle also helps prevent the engine from being hot-wired should unwanted entry occur. So, as you can imagine, this can help you reduce your chances of vehicle theft.
What are reprogramming tools?
And then there are reprogramming tools—tools that allow you to change settings on your immobilizer and other security systems remotely. Hence, they’re easy for anyone who knows what they’re doing to unlock them (or someone else’s).
Reprogramming tools allow you to re-learn how to use your keys so that you can start your car again in case of theft or inoperability. Reprogramming tools also allow you to change the settings on your key immobilizer so that other people can use it without changing its functionality.
Understanding the Different Types of Transponder Key Systems
Most of today’s modern vehicles come with a transponder key that’s responsible for unlocking the engine and allowing your drivers to operate each vehicle. Still, these features vary from model to model. So, let’s take a look at what some of the various makes and models provide you with.
Passive Anti-Theft System (P.A.T.S.)
The Passive Anti-Theft System (P.A.T.S.) was introduced by Ford in 1996 and is now be found in nearly every model. This type of system requires an anti-theft transponder key that’s programmed specifically to the vehicle’s onboard computer.
If a key has been lost or stolen, the P.A.T.S. ID code stored in the vehicle can be cleared from the vehicle, rendering the old key useless. Then you can use a key programming kit to reprogram a new key or fob.
Keyless Entry Remote
The keyless entry remote is another Ford feature that rolled out in 2006. The key blade is a standard 8 cut, and the remote comes with 3 to 4 buttons of entry. While a normal transponder key without the buttons will work, the keyless remote entry makes it harder for those without the remote to access the locked vehicle. Still, when these remotes get lost, replacement can be expensive, especially when going through the dealership. That’s why Triad offers a wide variety of remotes for makes and models, so you can quickly and easily reprogram a remote key yourself.
Proximity System Smart Key
The proximity smart keys are becoming more and more popular across a wide range of makes and models. With this entry and engine start system, the key FOB must be inside the vehicle. The drive then pushes the button on the dash to start the engine.
However, the downside to this system is that there is no separate key for manual ignition and the remote must be inside the vehicle to start. Additionally, once running, the key must remain inside the vehicle in order for it to stay running. So, you can imagine that if a driver loses the key, vehicles can become extremely vulnerable. Therefore, immobilizing and reprogramming a new FOB is crucial!
Flip Remote Keys
For many General Motors vehicles, the flip remote key FOB is a high-security, laser cut metal key that flips out from inside the FOB like a knife. Depending on the vehicles trim or model, the FOB may or may not be a proximity key, as well. Should this FOB get lost or stolen, replacement and reprogramming is crucial for the security and safety of the vehicle.
Key Immobilizers and Reprogramming Tools Allow You To Add Vital Services for Your Customers
We at Triad Diagnostic Solutions know how important adding this vital service is to the success of your business. That’s why we offer a wide range of tools to help you reprogram keys and immobilizers, so you can feel confident when you’re on the road. We carry many key immobilizers and reprogramming tools, including Autel scanners, MaxiIM IM608 PROKPA, MaxiIM IM508, and MaxiIM KM100. Check out the complete list of products on our website or call us at (317) 939-3690.