don’t miss out on valuable benefits & tool functionality
Total Care Program
Stay current with the latest Autel software versions and increase the value of your investment with the Autel Total Care Program (TCP). Our TCP is much more than an extended warranty plan. When you subscribe, you’ll reduce out-of-pocket device repair costs as well as shop downtime. In addition, you’ll also get to take advantage of new features and functions as they roll out from Autel, including expanded coverage for the latest vehicle makes and models.
Questions about which TCP Card to Purchase? Contact us today!
Tool Function Upgrades
Get the latest technology from Autel
Extend Tool Warranty
Eliminate downtime and maximize functionailty.
Latest Vehicle Coverage
Service all the latest makes and models supported by Autel
the right tools paired with the right team
make all the difference.
Triad knows that maintaining diagnostic equipment can be costly and problematic. That’s why we’re here.
Multiple OEM software applications are difficult to manage and support, require continual updates, expire at inopportune times, are costly to purchase and renew, and in many cases are unavailable to certain end-users.
This is not necessary.
Triad’s Single Source Solution complete with tailored training and ongoing support will ensure more uptime on your vehicles and equipment.
Keep diagnostics easy to use, supported, and working so you can keep your vehicles on the road.
To be the industry’s go-to distributor for all your diagnostic needs with fully supported training.